Permanent Counter Data

Hourly summary of traffic from permanent counters at 12 locations on NWT Numbered Highways. Fields include date, hour, direction, count of vehicles by 7 length categories, average speed, 85th percentile speed and count of vehicles by 28 speed categories. Each Excel file corresponds to one traffic counter site.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Metadata Standard .4
Metadata Contact Position Infrastructure Planner
Creator Policy, Planning and Communications Division
Source Data is collected from 12 permanent traffic counters on NT Numbered Highways. Data is accessed via web portal and downloaded into Excel files on a monthly basis.
Summary Hourly summary of traffic from permanent counters at 12 locations on NWT Numbered Highways. Fields include date, hour, direction, count of vehicles by 7 length categories, average speed, 85th percentile speed and count of vehicles by 28 speed categories. Each Excel file corresponds to one traffic counter site.
Local Relevance INF collects, analyzes, and publishes traffic data from various sources on the highway network. The data obtained is used by INF to monitor changes in traffic flows, forecast future traffic, classify highways, set priorities in maintenance and capital funding, monitor safety aspects of the highways and optimize engineering designs. Traffic volume and classification data is published annually in the NWT Highway Traffic Report and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Report. The data also feeds into the Canada Centre for Transportation Data (CCDT), which is a joint initiative between Statistics Canada and Transport Canada.
Notes files are available to be posted on Open Data including: 1-468.xlsx, 1-83.xlsx, 2-32.xlsx, 3-245.xlsx, 3-332.xlsx, 3-34.xlsx, 4-10.xlsx, 5-1.xlsx, 5-62.xlsx, 7-37.xlsx, 8-260.xlsx, 8-84.xlsx, and Permanent Traffic Counter Data Dictionary.docx.
Group Driving and Transportation
Tags highways
Starting Time Range 2021-07-28
Ending Time Range 2022-09-30
Geographic Range NWT
Release Date 2022-10-03
Last Modified Date 2022-10-03
Update Frequency Yearly