
About the Open Data Portal

The Government of the Northwest Territories’ (GNWT) Open Data Portal makes government-held data available to the public in accessible and user-friendly formats.

The Open Data Portal uses CKAN, the world’s leading open-source data platform. CKAN is used by governments and user groups worldwide and powers a variety of official and community data portals including portals for local, national and international government. For more information about the CKAN platform, please visit: https://ckan.org/.

You are encouraged to use the data available in the Open Data Portal with only a few conditions. For more information, please refer to the Northwest Territories’ Open Government Licence.

About Open Government:

The Government of the Northwest Territories is committed to transparency and accountability through public access to government data (Open Data) and information (Open Information), and public engagement on government decision-making (Open Dialogue) in a way that is responsive to the needs and expectations of the residents of the Northwest Territories. For more information, please visit:EIA About Open Government.

Other data sources:

Other publicly available data sources not captured in the GNWT Open Data Portal can be accessed include: