Chan Lake Atmospheric Data

Weather observations at 20-minute intervals. Fields include: date, time, atmospheric pressure, average wind direction, average wind speed, wind gust speed, air temperature, dewpoint temperature, relative humidity, and hourly precipitation.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Metadata Standard .4
Metadata Contact Position Infrastructure Planner
Creator Policy, Planning and Communications Division
Source Weather observations collected at Chan Lake Road Weather Information System (RWIS) station located on Highway #3, km 109.4.
Summary Fields include: date, time, atmospheric pressure, average wind direction, average wind speed, wind gust speed, air temperature, dewpoint temperature, relative humidity, and hourly precipitation.
Local Relevance Information important for highway maintenance staff in knowing current weather conditions and making maintenance decisions (e.g. application of gravel vs. road salt)
Group Driving and Transportation
Tags highways
Starting Time Range 2009-10-14
Ending Time Range 2021-10-10
Geographic Range South Slave
Latitude 61°49' 40.4"N
Longitude 116°42' 16.1" W
Release Date 2021-11-10
Last Modified Date 2021-11-10
Update Frequency Monthly